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Introduction to Chiropractic Care

Introduction to Chiropractic Care

Introduction to Chiropractic Care

Daniel David Palmer is credited with developing modern chiropractic care in the U.S. in 1895. Since that time, chiropractic care has spread across the world and in many practices involves more than spinal care alone—though the basic philosophy of chiropractic care remains the same: to diagnose and treat the physical body without the use of prescription drugs or surgery.

Education and Certification

There are 40 chiropractic schools worldwide, and half of these are in the United States. The first chiropractic school was founded by Daniel David Palmer in Iowa in 1897. That school, Palmer College of Chiropractic, is still teaching chiropractic students today. While each school differs in its educational requirements for admission, all schools require students to complete a rigorous program of study that typically takes 4 years after undergraduate education requirements have been met.

A chiropractic student spends over 4,200 hours in the classroom and practice lab learning about basic sciences, clinical sciences, chiropractic philosophy, and technique before beginning work in the practical clinic. Each student spends a minimum of 1,000 hours in the practical clinic before earning a degree as a Doctor of Chiropractic. During chiropractic studies, students must complete and pass a series of tests from the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners to become licensed chiropractors and legally practice chiropractic in the United States.

Learning doesn't stop for chiropractors after graduation. Each year, chiropractors must complete continuing education credits to keep their license to practice current. The number of continuing education credits needed varies, depending on the specific state licensing board.


There are a number of different techniques that chiropractors use in the office. Some of these are taught in chiropractic school, and some chiropractors develop other skills and techniques in continuing education classes. Many chiropractors use their hands as their main treatment tool. However, there are also techniques that use hand-held devices for treatment. Some of these devices are manual and others are electronic, but all are controlled by the chiropractor.

In addition to chiropractic adjustment techniques, some chiropractors may use other therapies in the office to help you. These therapies may include therapeutic ultrasound, interferential current (also known as “electric stimulation”), low-level laser therapy, hot/cold packs, stretching, strengthening/stabilizing exercises, movement taping, and many more. You will receive the types of treatment that are most appropriate for your individual condition.

What is Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic care is a healthcare discipline that focuses on the musculoskeletal system, particularly the spine, and its connection to the body's overall health. Chiropractors are highly trained healthcare professionals who utilize a hands-on approach to diagnose, treat, and prevent mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, as well as the effects of these disorders on the function of the nervous system and general health.

Overview of Chiropractic Treatment

Chiropractic treatment involves a variety of methods, including spinal manipulation, soft tissue therapy, and exercise prescription, with the goal of restoring proper function and alleviating pain. The primary technique used by chiropractors is spinal manipulation, also known as chiropractic adjustment, which involves applying controlled force to the spine or joints to improve alignment and mobility.

Scope of Practice for Chiropractors

Chiropractors are trained to assess, diagnose, and manage a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions, including low back pain, neck pain, and other joint-related issues. They also provide guidance on lifestyle modifications, rehabilitation exercises, and ergonomic advice to prevent further injuries and promote overall health and wellness.

Complementary and Integrative Health Approaches

Chiropractic care is often utilized as a complementary and integrative health approach, working in conjunction with other healthcare professionals to provide comprehensive care for patients. Chiropractors may collaborate with medical doctors, physical therapists, and other practitioners to ensure a holistic approach to patient well-being.

How Can a Chiropractor Help?

A chiropractor can provide numerous benefits through chiropractic care, tailored to address a variety of health concerns.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care offers a non-invasive and drug-free approach to managing musculoskeletal conditions, promoting pain relief, enhanced mobility, and improved overall function. Research has shown that chiropractic treatment can be effective in managing conditions such as low back pain, neck pain, and headaches, among others.

Types of Chiropractic Treatment

Chiropractors utilize a range of techniques and therapies, including spinal manipulation, soft tissue therapy, rehabilitation exercises, and lifestyle counseling. The treatment approach is tailored to the individual patient's needs, taking into consideration their specific condition, overall health, and treatment goals.

Role in Reducing Pain and Improving Function

Chiropractors play a crucial role in reducing pain and restoring function by addressing the root cause of musculoskeletal conditions. Through spinal manipulation and other manual therapies, chiropractors aim to alleviate pain, improve joint mobility, and enhance the body's natural healing processes.

Understanding the Benefits

Understanding the benefits of chiropractic care involves recognizing its impact on the nervous system, as well as its role in addressing specific areas of concern such as neck pain and spinal health.

Impact of Chiropractic Care on the Nervous System

Chiropractic care focuses on optimizing the function of the nervous system, as the spine and nervous system are intricately linked. By ensuring proper spinal alignment and mobility, chiropractic care aims to improve nerve function and facilitate the body's innate ability to heal and self-regulate.

Neck Pain and Chiropractic Therapy

Neck pain is a common musculoskeletal complaint that can significantly impact a person's quality of life. Chiropractic therapy offers non-invasive and effective approaches to addressing neck pain, including spinal manipulation, soft tissue therapy, and ergonomic recommendations to promote proper posture and reduce strain on the neck and shoulders.

Complementary and Alternative Methods for Spinal Health

Chiropractic care is often considered as part of complementary and alternative medicine, offering natural and conservative methods for enhancing spinal health and overall well-being. In addition to spinal manipulation, chiropractors may incorporate nutritional advice, stress management techniques, and preventive strategies to support the body's optimal function.

What to Expect

During your first visit, you will be asked about your complaints and concerns. After the discussion, we will perform an examination consisting of neurologic and orthopedic testing, as well as check out the joints and soft tissues (muscles, ligaments, tendons) in the areas of concern to diagnose the condition. Often a diagnosis can be made in the office, but sometimes more information is needed from an x-ray, MRI or lab work. After a full examination and review, we can talk about which treatment options are right for you.

Whom We Treat

Chiropractors, in general, are trained in family chiropractic practice—to treat both children and adults. Some chiropractors continue their training to specialize in treating a certain group of people (athletes, children, pregnant women, elderly, etc.) or certain types of conditions (headaches, motor vehicle accidents, or sports injuries, to name a few). Whether you are looking for wellness or preventive care or need treatment for a painful problem, chiropractors are happy to help.

Chiropractic care has been around for a long time and has served many patients well. If you have specific questions about chiropractic care, please let us know.

More about Chiropractic Care

Dr. James Fraser

Doctor of Chiropractic