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Exercise & Stretching

Exercise and stretching Chiropractic Basalt Aspen CarbondaleChiropractic Exercise and Stretches

Chiropractic care, comprising exercises and stretches, can be a beneficial treatment for individuals experiencing lower back pain. Incorporating chiropractic exercises into your routine can help strengthen the supporting muscles and improve flexibility, ultimately alleviating discomfort and promoting overall wellness. In this article, we will explore the best stretches and exercises for lower back pain, how chiropractic exercises can assist with back pain, the most effective chiropractic stretches, finding the best chiropractor for lower back pain, and how chiropractic care can enhance mobility and flexibility.

What Are the Best Stretches for Lower Back Pain?

Stretches for Lower Back Pain

Stretching is crucial for individuals dealing with lower back pain as it can help alleviate muscle tension and improve flexibility. Some effective stretches for lower back pain include the knee-to-chest stretch, the pelvic tilt, and the trunk rotation stretch. These stretches target the muscles in the lower back and can provide relief when performed regularly.

Exercises for Lower Back Pain

Aside from stretches, specific exercises can also help alleviate lower back pain. Strengthening exercises that focus on the core muscles, such as planks and bird-dogs, can contribute to better support for the lower back, reducing pain and discomfort.

Chiropractic Stretches for Lower Back

Chiropractic stretches for the lower back are designed to target the specific areas causing discomfort. These stretches may include variations of traditional stretches, incorporating chiropractic adjustments to maximize their effectiveness in addressing lower back pain.

How Can Chiropractic Exercises Help with Back Pain?

Strengthening Exercises

Chiropractic exercises are aimed at strengthening the muscles that support the spine. By engaging in specific exercises recommended by a chiropractor, individuals can improve their overall spinal health and reduce the risk of future back pain.

Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic adjustments, often utilized in conjunction with exercises, can help realign the spine and alleviate pressure on the affected areas, providing relief from back pain.

Chiropractic Stretches and Exercises

Chiropractors may recommend a combination of stretches and exercises tailored to the individual's condition, addressing the root cause of the back pain while improving strength and flexibility.

What Are the Most Effective Chiropractic Stretches?

Neck and Shoulder Stretches

Neck and shoulder stretches are essential components of chiropractic care, especially for individuals experiencing neck pain alongside lower back discomfort. These stretches can help relieve tension and improve range of motion in the upper body.

Mid-back Arch Exercises

Mid-back arch exercises involve lying flat on your back and performing gentle arching movements, targeting the mid-back area to promote flexibility and alleviate any discomfort in that region.

Stretching Exercises for Lower Back

Specific stretching exercises, such as the cat-cow stretch, can effectively target the lower back and provide relief from pain. These chiropractic stretches are designed to keep the spine and back muscles in optimal condition.

Where to Find the Best Chiropractor for Lower Back Pain?

Aspen Chiropractic Services

Aspen Chiropractic Services offers comprehensive chiropractic care, including tailored exercises and stretches to address lower back pain and improve overall spinal health.

Carbondale Chiropractors

Carbondale Chiropractors specialize in providing personalized chiropractic treatments, offering effective exercises and stretches for individuals seeking relief from lower back pain.

Basalt Chiropractic Care

Basalt Chiropractic Care focuses on holistic approaches to address lower back pain, incorporating chiropractic exercises and stretches into their treatment plans for optimal results.

How Can Chiropractic Care Increase Mobility and Flexibility?

Knee to Chest Stretch Techniques

Knee to chest stretch techniques can significantly enhance lower back mobility and flexibility, relieving tension and discomfort in the area while improving the range of motion.

Exercises and Stretches for Increased Mobility

Specific exercises and stretches recommended by chiropractors can effectively increase overall body mobility, contributing to reduced stiffness and improved flexibility, particularly in the lower back region.

Chiropractic Methods for Strength and Flexibility

Chiropractic methods focus on enhancing both strength and flexibility, providing individuals with a comprehensive approach to improving spinal health and overall wellness.

What are good Exercises and Stretching?

Exercise and stretching daily can help your mind and body stay healthy. With so many different choices for exercise, which ones are right for you? If you need help deciding, we can discuss the options that would be most beneficial for you.

Aerobic Exercise (Cardio)

Aerobic exercise has a great impact on physical health, a huge part of wellness. It gets your heart pumping and your lungs working vigorously. “Aerobic” means your body needs oxygen to produce the energy needed for performing these types of cardiovascular exercises (also the reason some people refer to aerobic exercise as “cardio”). Aerobic exercise doesn’t have to be high-impact—swimming, walking, and riding a bicycle can all be aerobic activities.

The goal of aerobic exercise is to work hard enough to reach your target heart rate in order to improve heart and lung function as well as circulation and, for many, to maintain a healthy weight. Your target heart rate depends upon your goals for aerobic exercise. For example, if you are looking to shed a few pounds, you should aim for a heart rate that is about 60% to 70% of your maximum heart rate. Maximum heart rate is calculated by subtracting your age from 220. So, let’s say you are 30 years old and looking to lose some weight. For you, the heart rate you’re trying to achieve while exercising is 60% to 70% of your maximum heart rate (220 – 30 = 190), so between 114 and 133 heartbeats per minute would be your goal.

There are lots of fancy apps, watches, trackers, and counters that can monitor your heart rate, but taking your pulse by feeling it at your neck or on your wrist will do the trick, too!

Strength Training

Besides improving muscle strength and body mass, strength training—which includes lifting weights and other forms of resistance training—helps to build bone and burn calories. Adding resistance (load) to the bones triggers bone-building. For your body to build bone, though, you have to add more resistance than you’d get doing everyday activities. Building muscle also means you’ll be burning more calories throughout the day since muscles burn calories even at rest.


Stretching exercises have enormous benefits when it comes to wellness. First, adding stretching exercises to your everyday routine will help improve and maintain flexibility. More flexibility means less strain and pressure on muscles and joints and may ultimately keep you from becoming injured during other exercises or activities. Balance and coordination may also be improved by incorporating stretching into your daily exercise. Stretching has also been shown to improve circulation, muscle strength, and mood, and all of these benefits promote wellness.

How Much Exercise Do You Need?

The amount of exercise you need depends on the type of exercise you are doing. Aerobic exercises/cardio should be done for 30 minutes daily for at least five days each week. The 30 minutes can be broken up into segments of exercise if that is easier for you. If you are strength training, you should add at least two training sessions per week.

If you are unsure about which exercises or stretches may be good for you, or if you have questions about exercise in general, we are happy to answer your questions.

More about Wellness Care

Dr. James Fraser

Doctor of Chiropractic